Learn How To Buy Capex Machinery

Capex machinery projects can involve investing millions so that your company can meet long-term strategic objectives.

There’s a huge amount at stake, and these projects can be full of commercial and operational risks.

I know of no other trainers that have expertise in this niche area of Procurement, and perhaps that’s why my Capex machinery training course features on page 1 of Google searches on the topic.

When you’re investing millions of the company’s cash and senior executives are relying on the project team to deliver an on-time start-up, any knowledge advantage of how to manage risks and extract as much commercial value from the project can be hugely important.

Contrast the project spend with the investment cost of an live, online training course of <$3,000. The online course is delivered over 4 x 90 minute sessions.

I also offer a 90 min online course to cover a specific Capex machinery topic of your choice for <$750.

The ROI of a training course on this topic will be enormous.

This training is even more valuable if your relevant colleagues from engineering and/or production etc also attend.

Not only does this equip them with the same level of understanding of the risks and opportunities, but it can also help reinforce or strengthen relationships and collaboration between Procurement and these functions.

Don’t continue to just roll the dice by taking risks and miss the array of opportunities available from managing Capex machinery projects effectively.

Get in touch. I can help you.


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