Martin on podcasts

Spreading the message of negotiation, ethical influence and procurement topics to interested and engaging podcast hosts is always fun.

Here are a few of my favourite podcasts on which I’ve been fortunate to appear.

Philip Brown runs The Negotiation Club - a safe and friendly environment where people can practice their negotiation skills. Practice will lead to your success, but so few people do it! In this episode, I talk about how to use “charm” as an intangible power in a negotiation, especially when you don’t have any tangible power.

Shane Ray Martin has interviewed many luminaries in the world of negotiation, so it was wonderful for me to have the opportunity to chat with him about the human aspect of negotiation and how to handle conflict.

He’s also one of the most delightful people I’ve met. This one was a lot of fun.

My 2nd appearance on Fred Copestake’s “Sales Today” show where I was speaking about how to use ethical influence principles in sales.

Mark Garrett Hayes is an impressive Sales Trainer, coach and fellow LinkedIn Learning instructor.

Mark invited me on to his “Training Business” podcast to talk about my journey from corporate “lifer” to freelance management trainer.

I joined 3 friends and colleagues for 4 episodes of the “Demystifying Procurement” podcast, where we removed the jargon and explained common Procurement topics in a straightforward way.

Ivona Hirschi is a leadership and communications specialist, and in this podcast we spoke about the importance of assertiveness, and especially the importance of stating your boundaries clearly.

Maybe I shouldn’t have done this, but here I am with Fred Copestake, explaining how sales people can successfully secure a price increase with their buyers. I hope I don’t get struck-off any Procurement practitioner list!

Here’s my first ever podcast (can you tell?) and it’s with the amazing Devangana and the highly respected James Moran at the Procurement League.

Podcast #1: Get Rid of Stress With Assertiveness by Ivona Hirschi

Martin John: Learn to communicate your boundaries.

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