• I have admired Dr Robert Cialdini’s work for many years and was fortunate to become one of the founding members of the Cialdini Institute. I am a Cialdini Institute Certified Influence Professional, and am licenced to teach the official Cialdini Institute programs. I also have access to renowned world experts of influence from within the institute faculties.

  • Yes, absolutely, subject to my availability. Naturally, with travel and accommodation costs, the overall price to you will be higher.

  • Many of my courses will count for Level 3 CPD status, and depending upon the sector in which you operate, also Level 2. It’s not a black and white area, so please do contact me to discuss.

  • Prior to you agreeing to go ahead with training, I will run through a detailed series of diagnostic questions covering: your business, your business goals, the perceived gaps in team knowledge / behaviours, the specific outcomes that you’d like from the training course, and any further training needs that you have. I will tailor the course accordingly, to ensure your goals are met.

    I can also issue a pre- and post-course questionnaire to evaluate the impact of the training against your criteria, and can hold short follow-up sessions if required.

  • There is no “standard format”, as I like to vary the format of my courses to cater for the spectrum of learning styles, and to also ensure maximum engagement and interaction. My courses certainly aren’t “death by PowerPoint”! Group discussions, breakout rooms, polls, quizzes, videos and role-play are all features that I use in both remote or face-to-face courses.

  • Yes. If you wish me to record your training session, please just let me know before the course. After the course, I will make this recording available to you and anyone else in your organisation in perpetuity!

  • I love meeting, talking to, and being around people, and I especially enjoy helping people grow their capability and fulfil their potential. When viewing a Linked In Learning course on negotiation skills by way of refresher, I came across a world-renowned management trainer: the impressive and indefatigable Chris Croft. One conversation led to another, and he inspired me to enrol on his Successful Trainers programme, where he passed-on an enormous amount of his knowledge to help me take the leap to becoming a freelance management trainer.