Practical Negotiation Skills Training

1-Day In-Person Course Or 4x Live, Online Sessions

Customer rating 4.6/5

  • What will you learn?

    The confidence to negotiate in all areas of your life.

    Understand the 5-step negotiation process

    Lots of practical tools you can use right away

    Watch “Course Explainer” video

    Who should attend this course?

    • Anyone who deals with other people: Sales, Procurement, Finance, HR or anywhere else.

    • Anyone interested in understanding how they can negotiate a better deal, in all areas of life.

    • People wanting to grow their confidence in negotiating, or hone existing skills

    —> Curious about how effective negotiation could help your business? Try this calculator

  • Topics Covered

    • Why is negotiation important?

    • The effect of negotiation - what’s the ROI?

    • Why do we avoid negotiating? – Myths debunked

    • Sources of power - what are they?

    • The 5 steps of the negotiation process

    • Step 1 - Preparation: what to do before the meeting?

    • Step 2 - Discussion: listening, questioning and signals

    • Step 3 - Opening offers - how to pitch them correctly?

    • Shy kids get no sweets - daring to ask for what you want

    • Step 4 - Bargaining & trading: The “Vice” and “NGAAWGSIR”

    • Step 5 - Closing: watch-out for deal-creep

    • Awareness of tactics and be aware when they’re used on you

    • “Flash” negotiation practice throughout the day

    • How to get started and how to stay in practice

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