Training Course ROI Calculator

Precisely defining the return on investment (“ROI”) on training courses can be very challenging, as it’s often difficult to directly attribute a business outcome from a specific training event.

Nevertheless, one can estimate the ROI based on some basic assumptions, and my conclusion is that it has GOT to be worth doing! But why don’t you have a look for yourself? Experiment with the calculators on the 2 examples below and see what the ROI on training might be for your business.

Let’s first have a look at the benefits of improved negotiation capability on your buying-side (although this principle applies equally to your sales-side, of course, where your sales team is able to negotiate higher prices).

Use the sliders to adjust the parameters that best meet your business characteristics.

Here’s an interesting example on time management. How much do meetings cost your business? How much could you save through effective meeting management?

Finally, an example of the cost of employee turnover. This has been simplified a lot, but you should be able to establish the rough costs to your business. Training employees has been proven to increase motivation, organisational commitment and employee retention, and while I won’t be as bold as to attribute an ROI in this example, an investment in training is certain to reduce this cost burden.

If you’d like to discuss the calculations with me, or about conducting some training for your teams, I’d be delighted to hear from you. Please contact me on the button below.