Martin John Training

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ESG - How To Take Practical Action

I’ve seen lots of memes doing the rounds on LinkedIn over recent months on the theme of the amount of talk, bluster and hyperbole being published on ESG progress, contrasted with the actual progress being made.

 The presumption is that actually, not very much has been achieved.

 If this is true (and data would suggest it is) what could be the reasons for this inaction?

 Firstly, actions to address climate change for example, can take several years to come to fruition. Re-designing your manufacturing processes or your products with a lower carbon footprint, or investing in self-generation of renewable energy doesn’t happen overnight.

 But another reason for why this might be the case, particularly relevant for small and medium-sized enterprises, is perhaps it’s because some of these companies don’t know how or where to start.

 Plus, they assume it’s going to cost their business a lot of money without understanding the risks of doing nothing, and the upsides (financial and others) that addressing ESG could bring.

 Anyhow, I want to close this gap.

 I’m currently working with several industry leaders in this area to create a practical training course that will equip businesses with a toolkit on how they can go about taking decisive action to address ESG.

 From an emissions perspective, it will cover the end-to-end process, from baselining, supplier engagement, to project implementation and reporting.

 There’ll also be a full toolkit for managing the Social and Governance aspects, too.

 I expect that this course will be very popular, so get in touch if you want to book a slot.