Persuasion & Influencing

1-Day In-Person Course or 4-Sessions Live, Online

Customer Rating 4.8/5

  • What will you get from this course?

    Knowing how to influence people effectively is a vital skill for your career, your life and your personal relationships.

    Based on Dr Robert Cialdini’s 7 principles of persuasion, you will learn a practical and ethical step-by-step process that can be applied across your life.

    Grow your confidence through practicing in a risk-free environment

    Understand personality types

    Learn methods of tailoring your message

    Know how to get a “yes” more often

    Who should attend this course?

    • Anyone in a management role currently, or who would like to move into management in the future

    • People who have to “sell” or persuade others as part of their jobs (both internally and externally)

    • Those wanting to get the best out of their interactions with others

    • Those have an awareness of persuasion techniques, and would like to hone their skills

    What my clients say about this course

    Watch “Course Explainer” video

  • Topics covered

    • Why should we learn how to persuade others?

    • How is influence different from manipulation?

    • How people really make decisions - it’s not how you think!

    • Cialdini’s 7 principles of persuasion that are hard-wired into each of us

    • The four types of person and how to spot them. Are you an Analytical, a Controller, an Enthusiast, or an Amiable person?

    • How to influence each personality type - techniques to use.

    • Importance of listening, understanding, and questioning

    • How to be liked – why do people like one person and not another?

    • How to make people feel important

    • Two simple yet versatile objection-handling techniques

    • Proposing a solution that’s most likely to work on the person you’re trying to persuade

    • Asking for what you want - do you ask often enough, for enough?

    • Gaining commitment

    • Bringing all the steps together - persuasion in action

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