How To Decarbonise Your Supply Base

2 x Live, Online Sessions

  • What will you learn?

    - Learn the practical steps on how you can decarbonise your supply base

    - Understand the risks in not taking action to decarbonise

    - Know how you can embed decarbonisation practices within your business

    Who should attend this course?

    • Anyone wanting to learn the practical steps on how to decarbonise their supply base

    • Business leaders that want to understand the risks and opportunities that decarbonisation brings

    • Teams responsible for delivering decarbonisation for their business

  • Topics covered

    • Emissions scope (1,2 and 3) definitions

    • The current situation, the destination, and risks of doing nothing

    • Which businesses should take action?

    • The role Procurement can play

    • Obstacles to starting

    • The practical steps you can take

    - Calculating your emissions footprint

    - Segmenting your supply base

    - Assessing supplier maturity

    - Capability building - people and processes

    - How to engage suppliers

    - Supplier incentives

    - Developing a roadmap

    - Using innovation to decarbonise

    - Collaborate to maximise your impact

    - How you can embed decarbonisation in your decision-making

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