How To Be More Persuasive

Have you ever wondered how you can become more persuasive? How could you increase your influence so that others are more inclined to say “yes” to you more often?


Ethical influencing isn’t about manipulating people by tricking them into compliance, it’s about gaining their consent via legitimate and honest means.


Ethical influencing is the only way to influence people if you want to build, maintain or grow long-term business relationships that are mutually beneficial and based on trust.


Dr Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career researching the most important principles of influence, those that are the most likely to result in getting agreement. His methods are scientifically robust, entirely ethical AND have been shown to be successful in practical application.


Science, application and ethics are the pillars of the Cialdini Institute, a body that seeks to disseminate his work to a broader audience so that more people can benefit from Cialdini’s research over the last 40 years.


Cialdini’s 7 principles of influence are:


1.       Liking

2.       Reciprocity

3.       Unity

4.       Authority

5.       Social proof

6.       Scarcity

7.       Consistency & commitment


These principles are all covered in his seminal book called “Influence” which has been voted as one of the best business books of all time. Cialdini himself is highly regarded by dozens of hugely successful business leaders like Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Tobias Luetke and Jeff Bezos among others.


But beyond the 7 principles explained in the book are some “hidden gems”. These describe how influence practitioners can activate and amplify the effects of each principle with astounding results, plus the common mistakes that uninformed practitioners can avoid that reduce the effectiveness or even nullify the impact of the application of the principles.


The great news is that anyone can learn about the principles of influence, activators, amplifiers and common pitfalls to avoid by taking the Cialdini Institute’s online ethical practitioner course.


If you want to grow your influence, achieve greater business success and get people to say “yes” to you more often, then I’d highly recommend taking the course.


As a certified influence professional from the Cialdini Institute, I can help you on your journey towards increasing YOUR influence.


I can also provide you with exclusive discounts that aren’t available anywhere else and you might be able to get your company to fund the investment!


Contact me here to find out more.


How Can Influence Help Procurement?


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